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December 21, 2022

Exploring the Differences Between Fiat and Crypto

The world of finance is an ever-evolving one. In recent years, cryptocurrencies have gained a lot of attention. But what are these digital assets, and how do they differ from traditional fiat currencies? Let’s explore the differences between fiat and crypto, and how crypto/blockchain technology may benefit society in the long run.

What Is Fiat Money?

Fiat money is any currency issued by a central bank or government that has no intrinsic value but is accepted by vendors as payment for goods or services. Examples include the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, and other government-backed currencies. Fiat money can be used to purchase goods and services domestically and internationally. It also acts as a store of value; people can save it for future use or exchange it back into their local currency at any time.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset that exists on a decentralized ledger system called blockchain technology. Unlike fiat money, cryptocurrency has no physical form and cannot be exchanged directly for goods or services; instead, it must be converted into fiat currency before being used to buy anything tangible. Additionally, unlike fiat money which is backed by governments, cryptocurrency does not have any central authority backing it; instead, it is secured by its users who use cryptography to validate transactions on its network. This makes cryptocurrency less susceptible to manipulation by governments or banks than traditional forms of currency.

How Will Blockchain Benefit Society?

Blockchain technology offers numerous advantages over traditional financial systems due to its decentralized nature and secure transactions that require no third-party involvement such as banks or other intermediaries. In addition to providing privacy for users, blockchain technology also eliminates high fees associated with sending money from one place to another as well as reducing fraud risk due to its immutability (i.e., once a transaction has been recorded on the blockchain ledger it cannot be changed). Furthermore, blockchain technology can provide access to financial services in areas where traditional banking infrastructure may not exist yet due to a lack of resources or regulations prohibiting them from doing so—something which could potentially help millions of unbanked individuals gain access to banking services around the world.

As you can see, there are many differences between fiat and cryptocurrencies as well as potential benefits associated with cryptocurrencies such as blockchain technology in terms of providing access to financial services in areas where traditional banking infrastructure may not exist yet due to a lack of resources or regulations prohibiting them from doing so—something which could potentially help millions of unbanked individuals gain access to banking services around the world. Clearly, this new form of finance holds tremendous potential for society in general if adequately harnessed and regulated appropriately--and we may soon see just how far we can go with this revolutionary new form of money!

Jacques Potts - Sr. Marketing Manager at Ledgible and experienced financial author, marketer, and crypto expert. His work has been featured on The Street, Project Serum, FirstTrade, and Invstr.
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