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Bitcoin SV (BSV)

Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a Bitcoin fork that was created in November 2018. BSV is intended to be the true Bitcoin, with larger block size and no Segwit. The Bitcoin SV blockchain is based on the original Bitcoin blockchain but has been updated to allow for larger blocks and faster transaction times.

Are there any benefits to Bitcoin SV?

One of the benefits of Bitcoin SV is that it is tax-friendly. Because Bitcoin SV is based on the original Bitcoin blockchain, any transactions on the BSV blockchain are also considered legal for tax purposes. This makes Bitcoin SV a popular choice for businesses and individuals who want to use Bitcoin for transactions.

What is the best thing about BSV?

The best thing about Bitcoin SV is that it is stable and reliable. Bitcoin SV has been able to avoid many of the problems that have plagued Bitcoin and other Bitcoin forks. This makes Bitcoin SV a safe choice for businesses and individuals who want to use Bitcoin for transactions.

Why is Bitcoin SV popular?

There are many reasons, but the main reason is that Bitcoin SV is the only Bitcoin fork that is true to the original Bitcoin protocol. Bitcoin SV is also stable and reliable, which makes it a good choice for businesses and individuals who want to use Bitcoin for transactions.

If you're interested in Ledgible’s crypto tax innovation with BSV Blockchain, visit our mobile or desktop-friendly website to learn more about our crypto tax solutions. If you're looking for more information on what the cryptocurrency tax rate is or how taxes even work on cryptocurrencies, decentralized financial products, or blockchains like BSV, you can read our blog on the topic here.

Ledgible Crypto Tax provides a wide range of reports to use with your tax preparer, tax prep software, or general record keeping.
Popular reports include:
  • IRS Form 8949: A standard 8949 tax from to be included in your 1040 submission.
  • TurboTax Import: A custom export file that can be imported into TurboTax.
  • Tax Act Import: A custom export file that can be imported into TaxAct.
  • Transaction Export: Export a record of on-chain cryptocurrency transactions and exchange orders in a uniform format.
  • Income Export: Export income transaction records from all of your sources.
  • Gift Export: Export on-chain cryptocurrency transactions and exchange orders that have been classified as gifts.
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