Below you will find a list of crypto exchanges that we have integrated with the Ledgible platform. The list is in alphabetical order and is not meant as a ranking. Additionally, each integration with a crypto exchange is different and the features (historical transactions, reporting, etc.) we are able to offer vary from exchange to exchange. You may also notice that the setup / login process varies as well.
While this list of integrated crypto exchanges is current as of August 29, 2019, we are continuously adding new exchanges to the platform and ask that you login to your Ledgible account to view the most up to date list of exchanges available.
Looking for integration with a crypto exchange not listed below? Contact us and let us know.
For more information on the current landscape of crypto taxation head on over to our blog page or click here to give Ledgible Tax a free trial. Our blog features a wide array of articles and news stories related to what's new and important in the cryptocurrency industry as well as accounting, and often tying the two fields together. Ledgible Tax software will provide you with all the tools you need in order to do all of your neccesary crypto accounting.